What is Microlearning | A Complete Guide for the Progressive Learning Leaders



A bite-sized approach is a perfect answer when your corporate training modules are too challenging to digest and overwhelm your learners. To discover more about what is microlearning and how you can use it to improve training engagement and knowledge retention, read the rest of our post. A bite-sized approach is a perfect answer when your corporate training modules are too challenging to digest and overwhelm your learners. To discover more about what is microlearning and how you can use it to improve training engagement and knowledge retention, read the rest of our post. Read more: corporate learning

An Introduction to Microlearning

Microlearning is a powerful tool. Compared to standard eLearning, Microlearning is more engaging, less time-consuming, and less expensive to generate high ROI. While it isn’t the right choice for every type of training, it is surprisingly effective for corporate and workplace training.

By the end of this article, you’ll know what is microlearning, its traits, and how to utilize it in your training. Let’s begin!

What is Microlearning? Its Definition

While there is no official definition of microlearning, all microlearning-based training have one thing in common: Concise, small learning units, or short-term learning activities could be used to enable quick delivery of learning content. Read more: open source learning management system

Micro-training provides learners with small bursts of knowledge to study at their preferred pace and place. Content can take numerous forms, from text to fully interactive multimedia, but it must always be concise.

Some Examples of Microlearning Content:

·         Short texts in the form of phrases or brief paragraphs

·         Photos and illustrations

·         Short video clips

·         Audio clips in the form of short snippets of speech or music

·         Quizzes and tests

·         Gamified elements

It’s worth noting at this point that not all microlearning apps support all of these content kinds. Check with your microlearning provider to see if the formats you want are supported.

Many people link microlearning with video, which is a popular and frequently effective method of doing so. However, video is not the only feasible form of microlearning. Examples are self-paced e-learning, games, blogs, job aids, podcasts, infographics, and other visualizations. Professionals in talent development should choose the type of media most fit for their scenario and learning needs.

One can answer ‘What is microlearning’ in a variety of ways. According to research, talent development professionals believe that 13 minutes is the maximum length of time for something to be termed microlearning. The ideal length of a microlearning segment is 10 minutes, with portions between two and five minutes being the most successful.

While knowing the optimum time frame for classifying a training session as microlearning is helpful, many experts say it should not be limited merely to a specific time frame. Instead, it should be as long as it is necessary — no more, no less. Microlearning should concentrate on what is needed to know rather than what is good to know knowledge.

Your strategy should be cover one or two learning objectives in each microlearning session. It’s also crucial to make sure that the learner can meet the learning goal through microlearning. If extra time is needed to complete the objective, the course designer should not force-fit the content into microlearning chunks.

Why Is Microlearning So Popular?

Even while bite-sized training has grown in popularity over the last two years, it has a long history predating computers’ invention. When it came into contact with the modern smartphone, though, it took off. So much so that the most popular microlearning platforms resemble a cross between Twitter and Instagram, but for education. Read more: e learning platform

Microlearning is a near-perfect training paradigm in this day of hectic schedules and short attention spans. Organizations today are utilizing Microlearning for a variety of training needs. Employee onboarding, compliance training, and skills training are just a few instances of microlearning usage in the real world.


So there you have it! You now understand what is microlearning. What better way to thoroughly comprehend it than to put it to the test? Experiment with it to gain a sense of the vast possibilities that small-group training provides.



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