10 Signs Your Organisation is Ready for an LMS


Excel sheets scattered on desks and teams spread out across the globe. No means to quantitatively analyse training outcomes. To top it all, employees getting bored with monotonous learning sessions! Well, statistics say that “36% of talent developer respondents agree that driving engagement in learning is also a major challenge.” Yes, if your organisation’s L&D squad is facing one or some of the above roadblocks, it’s time to consider CHANGE.

Whether your existing training methodology is obsolete or you don’t own a full-fledged learning solution, you should give a thought about a modern Learning Management System. You should understand that there is a need for an LMS. But to even make this transition and then to invest wisely, you need to know if you require a complete overhaul at all. Moreover, your decision should improve your current training KPIs (if any) and you must be able to build a strong business case — to convince your management. If you want to know when your organisation is ready for an LMS, our blog is here to help you out. So, let’s begin!

10 Signs Which Prove That Your Organisation is in Need for an LMS

1. Inability to Calculate ROI

There is simply no point in investing in an LMS if you cannot calculate the ROI it can deliver. You must be able to communicate to your management that this is an investment worth making by building a robust business case. You should be able to show (in hard numbers) how an LMS can create a skilled workforce and help achieve business objectives. Employee expertise leads to a seamless customer experience, which translates to greater buyer retention and acquisition. Additionally, your trained staff is one of the vital aspects that differentiates you from your competitors. Therefore, if you cannot calculate the ROI on your current training investment, it is time to pick an LMS like PlayAblo that does the job for you.

2. No Existing Methodology to Quantify Learner Analytics

When you already have a corporate training platform model in place, have you ever given a thought about its effectiveness? Do you have any quantifiable method to measure if your learning methods are working? Moreover, does your platform have the tools to calculate the course completion rates, learner engagement quotient, and training progress? Yes, it is absolutely critical to track employee training progress. Why? In the absence of any analytics on training progress and effectiveness, you cannot prove that L&D makes an impact on the business. In fact, there is no point in spending money to expand the existing programs if you can’t showcase quantifiable results. Hence, if your current learning solution cannot quantify learning metrics, it is high time to switch to a new LMS that offers this feature.

3. Unavailability of Technology to Train a Remote Workforce

Following the global pandemic, remote working has become the new normal. Additionally, several corporations already have teams scattered all over the world. In both of the cases mentioned above, it becomes extremely difficult to deliver uniform knowledge. If your organisation has employees spread out across the globe or has embraced the virtual model, you need to rethink your existing training model as well. Of course, in such a scenario, traditional, in-person training no longer seems viable. So, what is the way out? Well, this is another sign, which points toward the need for an LMS. An LMS like PlayAblo, which comes with remote learning capabilities, gives corporates the option to train every staff member — irrespective of location.

4. The Traditional Training Programs Are Monotonous 

Learner engagement means how vested is a learner to participate in a particular course. The current Gen Z and Gen Y are too busy to spend their time in lengthy and boring classroom sessions. Hence, a significant issue faced by corporate L&D is to sustain the interest levels of their trainees. Traditional instructor-led training makes the learning process too dull for the modern generation. However, with the introduction of the right LMS, you can boost the engagement factor. Therefore, when you consider a new LMS, pick a solution that’s embedded with features such as games, quizzes, and score-based assessments.

5. Lack of Accessibility and Diversification 

Classroom training and similar conventional methods may not be easy-to-access. Offline sessions are held once in a while and everyone may not be able to attend them at the same time. Hence, you should LMS that is easily accessible on all mobile devices and platforms. Your learners can then absorb knowledge on-the-go. Additionally, when you need to create custom training materials in different languages for your diverse workforce, you should think of new software. After all, language is never a concern with the right LMS.

6. No Integration With the Latest Technologies

Technological evolution is an overarching and omnipresent process, and corporate learning are not exempt from the impact of this evolution. However, since the tech world is advancing at such a rapid pace, your current training structure may not prove sufficient to meet the related demands. You will require an agile LMS that can be updated as per changing products and services while integrating effectively with your existing ecosystem. When you effectively deploy an LMS such as PlayAblo, it can help your employees come up to speed with the latest technologies.

7. Plans for Aggressive Recruitment

Every growing organisation evolves with continual acquisition or expansion. And this means aggressive recruitment and a larger workforce. This is when the need for an LMS rises. Your new software must be able to cope with the new environment. Moreover, you should consider a solution that comes equipped with a well-designed onboarding program. It will increase employee retention and engagement — which, in turn, translates to higher productivity and revenues. Again, if there is seasonality in your workforce, you must choose online training materials that instantly caters to the requirements of new hires. Additionally, a cloud-based LMS is a wise decision since it ditches storage limitations and costs as your resources grow.

8. Unavailability of Social Elements

Social media is a must to promote a feeling of collaboration and visibility among the current workforce. If you want your training modules to contain social learning elements, there is nothing better than a learning management system. An LMS allows employees to interact with each other. Furthermore, you can use an LMS to facilitate users to generate and share content with each other. Some of the popular social media elements include discussion forums, social learning modules, chat rooms, expert queries, issues, interaction with line managers, instructors, etc.

9. Multi-device Optimisation is Non-existent

The modern employee demands flexible training schedules. They do not have the luxury of spending long hours in offline classroom sessions. They need to access learning on-the-go. Therefore, how do you ensure that? If your organisation has a rigid training structure, it’s time to shift to an LMS. However, make sure that the LMS has the option to be optimised as per different screen sizes. It must adapt to all kinds of available gadgets. Moreover, you should ensure that your LMS promotes mobile learning. M-learning ensures continuous, comprehensive, and relevant knowledge dissemination on-the-go. This is vital for dispersed teams who need a flexible yet targeted learning methodology.

10. Plans to Launch New Products and Services

Finally, if your company has plans to launch new products or services, it is vital that your employees have knowledge on these fresh additions. They are the ones who will operate your offerings. For instance, sales teams will have to pitch the products before customers. Now, in this case, training must be fast and comprehensive. Therefore, to ensure that there are no gaps, it is better to pick a full-fledged LMS — which can deliver uniform learning across all your departments.


Well, if your company is facing any or a couple of the aforementioned issues, it is time to realise that you are in need for an LMS. Do you have any additional thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!


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